Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our wee little frogs

We released four of our five former tadpoles last night. They seemed unhappy in the bowl and we did not have a good place for them to rest, just a rather steep rock. Three still had good-sized tails but they seemed happy hopping away in the wet leaves. We all wanted to keep them longer, but I was afraid they were ready for insects and they are so tiny I did not know what to catch them other than mosquitoes that they could eat. I did not expect success at catching mosquitoes, though this year unfortunately we have an abundant supply. Last year, between the drought and our nearby colony of bats we had no mosquitoes, but rain has been plentiful this year and alas it brought a plague of the buzzing marauders. It was great fun watching these little guys go from tadpole to frog. I hope we can find another batch to raise this year.


  1. It's soooo tiny! It's hard to believe how fast they grow.

  2. I love teeny tiny frogs! And I love how you think you could tell they were unhappy...a sure sign of a woman with a warm heart.

  3. What a great project that was. I guess we should go looking for tadpoles! I tried tadpoles once in kindergarten that I purchased and they were a miserable failure. Guess I should just go looking.

  4. Aww they are so cute! Probably good I don't have any nearby, I would've tried modling them (and I bet they wont sit still lol)
